Changes between Version 14 and Version 15 of Troubleshooting

07/07/23 16:59:09 (20 months ago)



  • Troubleshooting

    v14 v15  
    5151 * You can reset the water on the entire map using the "reset all water or lava" operation of the Global Operations tool (Ctrl+G or the globe icon on the Tools panel). This will reset the fluid level and type on the entire map to whatever you originally specified on the New World screen. The downside is of course that any valleys you dried will be refilled and lakes at other than default elevations will be removed or changed.
    52    * If you want to flood to a different level you can change the default water level like this, prior to resetting the water: Dimension Properties (Ctrl+P, toolbar button or Edit menu) -> Default Terrain tab -> check "beaches around water level" if it is unchecked -> change the water level -> uncheck "beaches around water level" if it was previously unchecked -> OK.
     52   * If you want to flood to a different level you can change the default water level like this, prior to resetting the water: Dimension Properties (Ctrl+P, toolbar button or Edit menu) -> Theme tab -> change the "default water level" -> OK.
    5353 * Another technique for easily fixing a large body of water is to right-click with the Flood tool on an area of the water that is at the correct height (this will lower any water which was at a higher level), and then left-click to raise it back to the desired height (this will raise any water which was at a lower level).
    5454 * For more manual control you can use the Sponge tool. Left clicking completely removes water and lava. Right-clicking resets the water level to the default. See above for how to change the default water level.