7 | 7 | Assuming you have actually got Java installed, the problem is probably that it is the wrong word size (number of bits). On 32-bit Windows you should be using the 32-bit version of !WorldPainter (it should have `_32` in the file name), and the 32-bit version of Java. You can download 32-bit Java [[https://www.worldpainter.net/links/jre-win-32|here]] (pick the file ending in `-i586.exe`). On 64-bit Windows, you should be using the 64-bit version of !WorldPainter (it should ''not'' have `_32` in the file name), and the 64-bit version of Java. You can download 64-bit Java [[https://www.worldpainter.net/links/jre-win-64|here]] (pick the file ending in `.exe`). |