public abstract class JavaLevel extends AbstractNBTItem
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected java.util.Set<org.jnbt.Tag> |
extraTags |
protected int |
maxHeight |
protected int |
minHeight |
protected Platform |
platform |
Modifier | Constructor and Description |
protected |
JavaLevel(org.jnbt.CompoundTag tag,
int minHeight,
int maxHeight) |
protected |
JavaLevel(int minHeight,
int maxHeight,
Platform platform) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static JavaLevel |
create(Platform platform,
int minHeight,
int maxHeight) |
double |
getBorderCenterX() |
double |
getBorderCenterZ() |
double |
getBorderDamagePerBlock() |
double |
getBorderSafeZone() |
double |
getBorderSize() |
double |
getBorderSizeLerpTarget() |
long |
getBorderSizeLerpTime() |
double |
getBorderWarningBlocks() |
double |
getBorderWarningTime() |
int |
1.12.2: 1343
18w11a: 1478
int |
getDifficulty() |
int |
getGameType() |
abstract MapGenerator |
getGenerator(int dim) |
int |
getMapHeight() |
int |
getMaxHeight() |
int |
getMinHeight() |
java.lang.String |
getName() |
Platform |
getPlatform() |
abstract long |
getSeed() |
int |
getSpawnX() |
int |
getSpawnY() |
int |
getSpawnZ() |
long |
getTime() |
int |
getVersion() |
boolean |
isAllowCommands() |
boolean |
isDifficultyLocked() |
boolean |
isHardcore() |
abstract boolean |
isMapFeatures() |
static JavaLevel |
load( levelDatFile) |
void |
save( worldDir) |
void |
setAllowCommands(boolean allowCommands) |
void |
setBorderCenterX(double borderCenterX) |
void |
setBorderCenterZ(double borderCenterZ) |
void |
setBorderDamagePerBlock(double borderDamagePerBlock) |
void |
setBorderSafeZone(double borderSafeZone) |
void |
setBorderSize(double borderSize) |
void |
setBorderSizeLerpTarget(double borderSizeLerpTarget) |
void |
setBorderSizeLerpTime(long borderSizeLerpTime) |
void |
setBorderWarningBlocks(double borderWarningBlocks) |
void |
setBorderWarningTime(double borderWarningTime) |
static void |
setCachedLevel( file,
JavaLevel level) |
void |
setDifficulty(int difficulty) |
void |
setDifficultyLocked(boolean difficultyLocked) |
void |
setGameType(int gameType) |
abstract void |
setGenerator(int dim,
MapGenerator generator) |
void |
setHardcore(boolean hardcore) |
abstract void |
setMapFeatures(boolean mapFeatures) |
void |
setName(java.lang.String name) |
abstract void |
setSeed(long seed) |
void |
setSpawn(int x,
int y,
int z)
Set the multiplayer and single player spawn point and the single player location.
void |
setSpawnX(int spawnX) |
void |
setSpawnY(int spawnY) |
void |
setSpawnZ(int spawnZ) |
void |
setTime(long time) |
org.jnbt.CompoundTag |
toNBT() |
clone, containsTag, containsTag, containsType, forEachTag, getAllTags, getAllTags, getBoolean, getBoolean, getBoolean, getBoolean, getByte, getByte, getByte, getByte, getByteArray, getByteArray, getDouble, getDouble, getDouble, getDouble, getDoubleList, getDoubleList, getFloat, getFloat, getFloat, getFloat, getFloatList, getFloatList, getInt, getInt, getInt, getInt, getIntArray, getIntArray, getList, getList, getLong, getLong, getLong, getLong, getLongArray, getLongArray, getMap, getMap, getShort, getShort, getShort, getShort, getString, getString, getString, getString, getTag, getTag, removeTag, removeTag, setBoolean, setBoolean, setByte, setByte, setByteArray, setByteArray, setDouble, setDouble, setDoubleList, setDoubleList, setFloat, setFloat, setFloatList, setFloatList, setInt, setInt, setIntArray, setIntArray, setList, setList, setLong, setLong, setLongArray, setLongArray, setMap, setMap, setShort, setShort, setString, setString, setTag, setTag, toMultipleNBT, toString
protected final Platform platform
protected final int minHeight
protected final int maxHeight
protected final java.util.Set<org.jnbt.Tag> extraTags
protected JavaLevel(int minHeight, int maxHeight, Platform platform)
protected JavaLevel(org.jnbt.CompoundTag tag, int minHeight, int maxHeight)
public void save( worldDir) throws
public java.lang.String getName()
public abstract long getSeed()
public int getSpawnX()
public int getSpawnY()
public int getSpawnZ()
public long getTime()
public int getVersion()
public int getDataVersion()
public abstract boolean isMapFeatures()
public int getMapHeight()
public int getGameType()
public boolean isHardcore()
public abstract MapGenerator getGenerator(int dim)
public boolean isAllowCommands()
public int getMinHeight()
public int getMaxHeight()
public int getDifficulty()
public boolean isDifficultyLocked()
public double getBorderCenterX()
public double getBorderCenterZ()
public double getBorderSize()
public double getBorderSafeZone()
public double getBorderWarningBlocks()
public double getBorderWarningTime()
public double getBorderSizeLerpTarget()
public long getBorderSizeLerpTime()
public double getBorderDamagePerBlock()
public void setName(java.lang.String name)
public abstract void setSeed(long seed)
public void setSpawnX(int spawnX)
public void setSpawnY(int spawnY)
public void setSpawnZ(int spawnZ)
public void setTime(long time)
public abstract void setMapFeatures(boolean mapFeatures)
public void setGameType(int gameType)
public void setHardcore(boolean hardcore)
public abstract void setGenerator(int dim, MapGenerator generator)
public void setAllowCommands(boolean allowCommands)
public void setDifficulty(int difficulty)
public void setDifficultyLocked(boolean difficultyLocked)
public void setBorderCenterX(double borderCenterX)
public void setBorderCenterZ(double borderCenterZ)
public void setBorderSize(double borderSize)
public void setBorderSafeZone(double borderSafeZone)
public void setBorderWarningBlocks(double borderWarningBlocks)
public void setBorderWarningTime(double borderWarningTime)
public void setBorderSizeLerpTarget(double borderSizeLerpTarget)
public void setBorderSizeLerpTime(long borderSizeLerpTime)
public void setBorderDamagePerBlock(double borderDamagePerBlock)
public void setSpawn(int x, int y, int z)
public Platform getPlatform()
public org.jnbt.CompoundTag toNBT()
in interface NBTItem
in class AbstractNBTItem
public static void setCachedLevel( file, JavaLevel level)
public static JavaLevel load( levelDatFile) throws